The Godfather of Rollerdisco



Sure, you probably went to the roller rink a few times as a kid, but Bill Butler takes that kind of skating to a whole new level!
Meet the “Godfather of Rollerdisco,” a groovy man coined with the creation of the smooth and soulful roller dance style known as “jammin.’” From Detroit to Brooklyn to Atlanta and more, Butler has invested his life in building the quad community and spreading the stoke of skating! His contributions go down in history and will continue impact skaters for generations to come!
Let’s take a peek into the life of Bill Butler and how he revolutionized the wheelie shoe experience!

Bill Butler, The Godfather of Rollerdisco


Baby Butler

(AKA: childhood years)

  • Bill Butler was born and raised for the first part of his life in Detroit, Michigan.

  • As a young boy, he aspired to be a running back for the football team, but his mother rejected that idea, so he searched for something else to occupy his interest.

  • He went to the local roller rink, Arcadia, that was segregated at the time, allowing Black skaters one night per week to gather.

  • At the rink, Butler saw a groovy man, named Archie, spinning moves on his skates with style and suave!

    • The young boy watched in awe as Archie danced across the floor, swearing to himself he would learn how to do what Archie could do.

  • Determined to get his own pair of skates, Butler took a job delivering groceries until he saved up enough to buy his first skates.

    • Can you guess how much his first pair cost? $23! A little cheaper than today, huh?


Arcadia Ballroom before it was converted to the roller rink


Brooklyn Days

  • In 1957, Butler joined the Airforce, moved to Brooklyn, New York, and started skating at Empire Roller Rink.

    • The Empire rink was strikingly different from that from Detroit (and most places of the time) in that it fostered an inclusive environment, integrating people of all races, ethnicities, sexual orientations, and gender identities!

  • As a young adult, Butler spent most of his time at Empire, developing his unique skating style he would later become known for!

    • This style, called jammin’, is a creative intertwining of rhythmic dips, spins, turns, and other technical maneuvers that express a connection to music and soul.

    • The term “jammin’” is borrowed from roller derby jammers and jazz jams, meaning when community members come together and casually play music together.

  • People began noticing his distinctive skate moves and wanting to learn more!

    • Butler became more invested in the quad community by offering lessons and opening a skate school to share his love for this mode of expression.


Bill Butler jammin’ (left) and a crowd of skaters grooving (right)


Media Career

Over the years, Butler has been involved in many media expeditions such as the following:


From Left to Right: Warriors Movie Cover (1979), Xanadu Movie Cover (1980), Roll Bounce Movie Cover (2005)

wrote a book on roller disco

“Jammin’” by Bill Butler and Erin Schoen Book Cover


Cher and Butler skating at Empire for Cher’s roller disco-themed song release


Current Chapter

  • In 2003, Butler moved to Atlanta, Georgia where he still resides today, skating and teaching!

Check out Bill Butler
Skating at empire in 1978

Rollerskate Resources

  • New York Times Article:

  • Skates U.S.:

  • Simmons College Library:

  • Video:

Maddy H-B