Solar roller art is made to be shared!
please do so with respect to the following conditions

Giving Proper Credit

  • Social media posts are encouraged to be shared and reposted adhering to the following conditions:

    • No changes may be made to the artwork. This includes but is not limited to adding filters, changing text, removing watermarks, and cropping.

    • Tag and mention me within the first line of the description using the tag “@thepansypress”

Proper Compensation

  • All rights to The Pansy Press art belongs to owner, Maddy Hoeltke-Brown, who has complete authority over the distribution and uses of said art.

  • The Pansy Press art is not to be used for any commercial or personal applications unless agreed to upon written consent.

    • If you wish to utilize Pansy Press art for commercial or personal applications, reach out through email to discuss purchasing a permit or licensing a piece.

  • If you wish to use a piece of art for a tattoo, I’m so touched that my art resonates so deeply with you! Please purchase a “tattoo permit” from the shop to gain access to the rights to get my designs inked.

because everyone deserves access to inspiration and creativity,
here are some free goodies you’re welcome to use for whatever you’d like!

Copying vs. Inspiration

  • Pansy Press art is made to inspire you! Please appreciate the art without taking it as your own.

  • Do not use/claim Pansy Press designs as your own.

  • Do not recreate Pansy Press designs as your own.

Use Pansy Press creations as the spark that ignites your own creative fire! The art is already within you, so seek to create that art. Tell your story, as I am telling mine. I’ll be supporting and empowering you through it all!

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